If any of you love food as much as I do (not that I think it's really possible)...please do a favor and treat yourself to the movie, "Julie and Julia."
My former boss Stephanie Moore actually gave me the book and I read it last year in Aspen. Was so excited that they were making a movie that I relate to so much!...not to mention Meryl Streep is a sensation, as always. I have dreamt about going to Culinary School for years, and have signed up for several cooking classes in Manhattan already-I had to stop myself before I spent my savings. One day I will attend school officially for this hobby (if I can ever justify the thousands of dollars), and my grandest wish is to spend a summer in wonderful Italy touring it's different regions and living and cooking with grandmothers, whom I believe really own the secrets to cooking anyway. I am so so excited to just get back into cooking. I do cook about four times a week here in Salt Lake, but not near to the degree or passion that I desire. So what I mean by "back into cooking", includes cream and vanilla bean, truffle oil and arugula, prosciutto and melon, and so many many glorious creations. And...just like in the movie, I WILL blog about them.
Julia Child once said, "Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." I went to confrence last Saturday and listened to a woman by the name of Emily Brooks speak. You can find her blog by clicking here. Her passion is flowers. She talked about various events in her life that have refined her into the woman that she is. And she is an incredible woman. I was so inspired by her message, and her passion for life, for God's creations (flowers) that I came home and spent my entire Saturday night looking up cooking classes and thumbing through recipes, because cooking is MY passion. Her message was clear to me. To find what makes you, YOU and embrace it. Cooking, food, the smell of peppermint on lemon curd and the fact that I notice it, makes me who I am.
In short, I have some cooking to do so I am going to trade in my time with the computer for my love affair with peanut butter fondue with bananas and coconut covered marshmallows. Please comment and tell me about your "passions" and hobbies. I would love to know what makes YOU tick!