The Sacred Grove
This week I had the privelage of traveling up to Palmyra to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant and the Sacred Grove. It was fun to travel with members of my ward and amazing to be in the place where the restoration of the Gospel began. I was moved by the simpleness of the Smith Farmhouse, the beauty of the Sacred Grove and the perspective the Hill Cumorah Pageant offered. Some experiences from this weekend are too personal to share in a blog, but being able to ponder a bit in such a sacred place definatly put some things into perspective and at the risk of sounding cliche I have a renewed sense of direction. The trip was also full of fun stories, some of which are documented in these pictures. This was my last trip with my ward here in Connecticut so the meeting yesterday proved to be bittersweet. But, I am excited for what lies ahead for me in South Africa and I know my experiences there will be equally rich.

Ready to Roll!

Taking A Break

The Whitmer Farm House

We drove a half hour out of our way to reach Chase Farm where a missionary told us the best milkshakes in town were sold...

The missionary was right! Check out the size of those raspberries!

Enjoying our shakes at the Book of Mormon publication site!

Even rode a pink tractor. (so random)

And got a little lost (even more random)

This is in front of Joseph Smith's home in Palmyra. It is small and simple, but has a sweet spirit about it. I loved just being in the place where it all began.

The LDS Temple in Palmyra, so beatiful!

Some ward buddies and I waiting for the Hill Cumorah Pageant to Begin

None of my pictures do justice of the stage, costumes or performance of the pageant, but I thought I'd throw one in here anyway.

I love this picture. It was taken in the Smith Farmhouse. To me it represents the simplicity of the gospel and the light that it brings to my life and so many others. I am so grateful to the Smith's for thier perserverance in bringing this light to the world.

A renewed Holly. Can you see the glow? (er, um...I mean how much I was sweating maybe) but either way, this was a meaningful trip for me and I am so grateful I had the opportunity.
We also had the opportunity to visit Niagra Falls in Canada. Although we didn't get the clearest pictures due to the spray of the waterfall and the grey skies, it was still quite breathtaking. I sort of have a thing for large waterfalls and hope to see many more in the world. To me, they are the very proof that God exists.

Niagra Falls, Canada

Beautiful View of the Falls

Soaking wet, but in my prime!

After a crazy journey, we were finally ready to head home!