I have been trying to think of ways to encorperate the "real meaning" of Christmas into my daily life as I celebrate this glorious holiday.
David came up with the idea to share e-mails with each other encompassing "What I would give Christ for His Birthday" each day in December. As we read the Christmas Story out of the the Bible on Sunday, I think the story of Christ's birth had new meaning, more meaning to both of us because we had already been focusing on the Savior for the past few weeks. I am so grateful for such an incredible man in my life who inspires me and encourages me to focus on what is important this time of year. David you are the BEST!
Speaking of David, aside from spoiling me with umteen gifts...today the delivery truck arrived with one last gift, Red Converse Shoes! Ladies, if you don't have a man who listens to you enough to first, know you've wanted converse shoes for years...second, to know your favorite color is red...and third to be insightful enough to e-mail your friend and find out your shoe size and then have them delivered...I suggest you get one! I'm keeping David around for sure, but not because he sends me gifts...because he is Amazing!