I dug up this old photo of Grandpa Harris singing to Grandma the other day. This is no ordinary fella...in fact, he was one of the most stellar men I have met. This picture captures his zest for life perfectly and makes me smile every time I look at it. I've thought a lot about him lately and how I can create a life more like his for myself. His motto (which by the way he wore pinned to every outfit including church clothes on a big round button) was to "Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much". Many people post this on a variety of paraphonelia, but my Granfather LIVED this quote. And for that, he is my hero...my number one and because of him I have the best family (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins) in the world. I will never forget him saying to me as we were chatting one day..."Holly, never settle for what you can live with...go for what you can't live without". I think about that quote EVERY DAY of my life and it pushes me to find what I really want out of my own journey, which ultimatly is a life like his and to continue his legacy of family strength and making those that you come into contact with feel important. Grandpa Harris is such a treasure and I don't think any person lucky enough to meet him would disagree with that.
That's awesome, Holly! Those are definitely great quotes to live by! I like your grandpa for that. :) Lucky girl!
I remember your Grandpa Harris being a substitute teacher. He was always our favorite and we were so excited to see him.
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