Tuesday, June 28, 2011

daily creed...

And so it seems that every time I am in need of a little spice in my life, a pick me up... the right little message is sent to me when I least expect it. I received an e-mail from my Aunt Marty the other day, sent to recap the family reunion I'd missed in Utah this past weekend. My grandfather who is a legend, a hero, and the most optimistic person I'd ever met, used to have this on His refrigerator, and would repeat it, out loud,  daily. I feel inclined to follow his tradition.

“This is the day I will live a happy, serene, and useful

 life, repelling promptly any thought of antagonism,

 discontent, anxiety, discouragement, and self-seeking.

       I will cultivate a spirit of tolerance, cheerfulness,

 magnanimity, charity, and a love of serving others.  I will

 set aside some time each day to read some uplifting

literature, and for the practice of quiet meditation.

       I will practice generosity in giving, economy in

expenditure, carefulness in conversation, diligence in

assigned duties, faithfulness in every trust, and a childlike

faith in God.

       In particular, I will be faithful in those daily habits of

prayer, work, study of the scriptures, physical exercise,

eating, and sleeping, which I believe, the Holy Spirit has

shown me to be right.”                    

                                                                   John Heidenreich

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