I couldn't be more excited about the release of
Camille Nelson's
CD, "First Words"
Camille and I have been best friends for over ten years now. We've traveled the world together, taken classes together, started a non-profit together and have discussed our dreams endlessly. Camille has always accomplished everything that she has set out to do, from marathons to missions to master's degrees and finally her masterpiece…music! This CD is worth buying and listening to over and over and over because I truly believe that she means each word that she sings and I have seen her in action! She wrote all of her own lyrics and guitar parts and her voice sounds just lovely! I am so lucky to have such inspiring and talented friends! Thank You Camille for your drive and constant push to follow dreams. You really are one of my heroes and I am so proud of your newest accomplishment!
To sample some of Camille's songs go to Camille's my space page
The official release date is Tuesday January 20th and you can purchase the CD at the official Camille Nelson Website
You can also pre-order it on Amazon.com, and iTunes. How cool is that?
If you are in the area, Camille's will be performing and promoting her CD on Friday February 20th at 7pm, at the Fort Douglas Theater in Salt Lake. Tickets are $5 and CD's will be sold at a discount price for concert goers! Get tickets on her website or at the door! Bring your friends!
Holly, what a great blog on your friend, Camille. We would like to buy one of the CD's and I believe that we could go to the concert. Give us the address and where we are suppose to do. It is Friday or Tuesday? The "20th" is on a Tuesday.
WOW!!! Absolutely beautiful songs! Tell Camille I said hi and that I LOVE her music :)
PS: I got your email but I can't respond with my current computer problems. I promise I will as soon as it is all up and running.
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