Let's be honest. There are sometimes when a human brain doesn't function at its best. I think that is what was happening when I decided to sign up for The Great Wall of China marathon with my friends Christine and Camille. I was thinking "it'll be fun, a great way to see China, a nice challenge, a good way to get in shape." That is what I was thinking until I saw THIS, the picture you see above...THAT is only a small portion of the amount of stairs we are going to have to climb in the race. Yep, 3700 in total. Although seeing this picture makes me pee my pants I'm so scared. To make it worse, you read the descriptions of the marathon website and here's what you get.
"You could not run it. It would be impossible. It's straight up and down. People were just crawling on all fours. People were screaming from the pain in their calves. One guy thought he would die."
Yeah, nice hey! Right now the furthest I have run is five miles, last night actually and I'm not going to lie, even that was tough. Every time I run I feel like the little train that could, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can". It's a good thing I'm a Harris and we have an ingrown competitiveness or I'd never make it. I have until May to train, But how in the world I am ever going to complete 13 miles and all these stairs is beyond me. I can't back out now, we've already booked our flights and Christine is my partner in our ward challenge and she'd kill me if I backed out now. The only goal I have now is to live through this thing, to get across that finish line even if it means I am one of the crawling people thinking I might die and screaming.